Typingtest Material 4 | TypingMaster Typing Online

1 Who has lately inaugurated the first “ Artificial Intelligence in Defense( AIDEf) Symposium and Exhibition ”?

Ans. Rajnath Singh- Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has lately inaugurated the first” Artificial Intelligence in Defense( AIDEf) Symposium and Exhibition”. The AIDEf Symposium and Exhibition was organized by the Department of Defense Production under the Ministry of Defence.

2 Red Panda will be brought to the Singalila National Park located in which state?

Ans. West Bengal- The red panda will be brought to the Singalila National Park located on the Singalila Ridge in the Darjeeling quarter of West Bengal. It’s the loftiest point in the state. The demesne was originally a wildlife sanctuary. In 1992 it was converted into a public demesne.

3 According to the report released lately by whom, India will catch China in population coming time?

Ans. United Nations- According to the report released by the United Nations on World Population Day, India will catch China in population coming timeAccording to a exploration by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Department of Population, the world population is estimated to exceed eight billion on November 15, 2022.

4 Which union minister has lately launched the book “ Swadheenta Sangram Na Surviro ”?
Ans. Meenakshi Lekhi- Union Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture Meenakshi Lekhi has lately launched the book” Swadhinata Sangram Na Surviro”. This book remembers the donation of our freedom fighters who fought against imperialism and devoted their lives for Mother India.

5 Which order has been won by India’s Arjun Babuta in the ISSF World Cup held in South Korea?
Ans. Gold Medal- India’s Arjun Babuta has won his first gold order in firing in the ISSF World Cup held in South Korea. In the gold order match, Arjun defeated Tokyo Olympics 2020 tableware semifinalist Lukas Kozenski 17- 9.

6 Which of the following state‘s Chief Minister, Conrad K Sangma has blazoned an investment of 300 crores in early nonage education programmes?

Ans. Meghalaya- The Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Conrad K Sangma has blazoned an investment of 300 crores in early nonage education programmes. An estimated Rs8.33 crore has been spent on the construction of the DERT. The state has come up with a road chart for investing in early nonage education programs.

7.  94- timeold Indian sprinter Bhagwani Devi Dagar has won gold order in how numerous measures sprint?

Ans. 100m- 94- timeold Indian sprinter Bhagwani Devi Dagar lately won the gold order in 100m sprint at the World Masters Athletics Crowns in Tampere, Finland. He has secured the first place in gold with a time of24.74 seconds.

8. Prestigious archaeologist and philanthropist of which award Enamul Haque passed down lately?

Ans. Padmashree-famed archaeologist and annalistart expert and former Director General of Bangladesh National Museum ProfessorDr. Enamul Haque has passed down lately. He has served as the Director General of the National Museum from September 28, 1983 to February 6, 1991.

9. Which ministry has hosted the 6th National Conference on Mines and Minerals?
Ans. Ministry of Mines- The Ministry of Mines has hosted the 6th National Conference on Mines and Minerals in the Colloquium to be held atDr. Ambedkar International Center.

February 2023 Current Affairs

. Which bank has lately started a airman design to launch coin bending machines?

. Who has lately been named as the principal astronaut of NASA?
➼ Joe Acaba

lately NISAR satellite has been developed by ISRO and which country‘s space agency?
➼ America

. Where has Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the Global Investors Summit lately?
➼ Lucknow

. What’s the rank of India in the lately released Global Quality structure indicator 2021?
➼ 10th

. Where has the 3rd edition of’ Khelo India Winter Games‘ started lately?
➼ Jammu Kashmir

. Who has been appointed by medicine maker Pfizer to head its Indian business lately?
➼ Meenakshi Neotia

8. Which Indian golfer has lately won the Kenya Ladies Open title 2023?
➼ Aditi Ashok

9. lately which country will remove Chinese cameras from its services due to spying enterprises?
➼ Australia

. Which country has lately launched smelling robot to descry conditions and ameliorate security checks?
➼ Israel

lately, on the 120th birth anniversary of which actress of Malayalam cinema, Google has paid homage through a portrait?
➼ PK Rosie

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. When has World Pulses Day been celebrated lately?
➼ February 10

lately which country has declared‘ National Disaster’ in the midst of severe energy extremity?
➼ South Africa

lately, for the first time in India, where have lithium reserves been set up?
➼ Jammu Kashmir

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